
Helping Kiwis access free public health resources


Research, UX, Design

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Ever wondered where all the pamphlets at the doctors come from? In New Zealand, they all come from HealthEd — a website that was ten years old and needed a refresh.

Previous HealthEd website

I was the lead Experience Designer on the project, taking the project from discovery to design. I refreshed the brand on a limited budget, led research, created wireframes, high-fidelity designs and facilitated the co-design of the behind the scenes process.


Putting health providers and internal staff at the heart of the process

User research was done to understand how people currently find health information and use HealthEd. I led a focus group with internal staff who distributed health resources to understand what's working well, and where are the opportunities for improvement.

Streamlining the ordering process

The ordering and distribution system was more complicated than it needed to be, with orders fulfilled and stock levels updated manually. Through workshopping with internal staff, we co-designed a more streamlined ordering and distributing process that met both business and user needs.

Service blueprint

Reducing the need to order resources by improving the online experience

The pervious website made it hard to find the resource content. When redesigning the resource page layout, I put more focus on the content within the resource and the ability to download. This reduced the need to physically order the health resources.

Service blueprint


Simplifying and refreshing the brand

I refreshed the brand on a minimal budget. This set the foundations for giving the site a clean new look that reflects HealthEd’s simple, practical approach. 

HealthEd brand


A simple, intuitive website for the general public and health practitioners

HealthEd’s updated online store provides a much simpler navigation and ordering experience.

An efficient and automated internal process for sending health resources

Behind the scenes, the integration with Blue Star makes for a much more straightforward order fulfilment process — with steps that had previously been manual now fully automated. The hybrid solution provides flexibility for the internal staff who want to stay with the email-based system, but also makes it possible for them to shift at a later point.

HealthEd topics sectionHealthEd resources sectionHealthEd resource page